- The first 8th gr. retreat is scheduled for January 11th 9:ooAM-12:00PM.
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, January 12th
-RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, February 1st
- 2025 Holy Family Parish Ministry Fair - February 1st and 2nd (following all Masses)
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, February 9th
- The second 8th gr. retreat is scheduled for February15th 9:ooAM-12:00PM.
- 2nd Grade 1st Communion Parent Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th (including ISP Families & Holy Family School Families) at 6:30 PM
- RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, March 1st
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, March 9th
-The7th gr. retreat has been scheduledfor the potential dates of March 1st or March 22nd. Students should turn in their retreat permission form with their selected pizza choice.
- 8th Grade Confirmation Practice (Sunday and Monday RE classes) Monday, March 31st at 6:30 PM.
- 8th Grade Confirmation(Sunday and Monday RE classes) Tuesday, April 1st at 7:00 PM. - RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, April 5th
- 8th Grade Confirmation Practice (Holy Family School and Wednesday RE class) Tuesday, April 8th at 6:30 PM.
- 8th Grade Confirmation (Holy Family School students and Wednesday RE class) Thursday, April 10th at 7:00 PM.
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, April 13th
- Our Annual Volunteer Dinnerto thank our Catechists, Aides, and Volunteers will be held on April 22nd at 6:00 PM. - 2nd Grade/ISP 1st Communion Practices are scheduled for Tuesday, April 29that 6:00 PM for the 10:30 AM Mass Tuesday, April 29that 7:00 PMfor the 1:00 PM Mass
- 2nd Grade/ISP 1st Communion Masses are: Saturday, May 3rdat 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM
-Current 6th gr. students and their parents need to attend the Confirmation Kick-Off meeting on May 20th, at 6:30pm in the Church. The Confirmation program will be explained, and information packets and forms will be distributed. If you missed the Confirmation Kick-Off, we missed you. There will be a make-up meeting for students and parents (Date TBD).
-REGISTRATION began May 22 at 3:00 PM for the 2024/2025 academic year and is ongoing though the summer. Registration packets were distributed to the Oldest/Only students the week of April 14th, 2024. Packets for incoming NEW students are available at the RE Office.
- RE Volunteer Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 25th at 10:00 or 11:30 AM.
- RE Opening Days are scheduled for Sunday, September 8th at 8:30 AM Monday, September 9th at 5:00 PM Wednesday, September 11th at 6:00 PM in the Gym. Students will meet their teachers and be escorted to their classrooms while parents remain in the gym to receive their welcome packets followed by a meeting with Religious Education Staff.
- Catechetical Sunday to bless our Catechists, Aides, and Volunteers will be celebrated at the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday, September 14th and Sunday, September 15th at the 10:15 AM Mass.
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, September 29th
- 8th Grade Confirmation Parent/Student Meetings are scheduled for Sunday, September 29th at 8:30 AM Monday, September 30th at 5:00 PM (6:30 for Holy Family School Students) Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:00 PM - RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, October 5th
- Homeschool Parent/Student Meeting - 10:00 AM Sunday, October 6th
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, October 13th - RE Undy Sunday Collection - October 20th-23rd. Please drop off items for Catholic Charities on the days you attend class. The class that donates the most will get to share a special treat with Fr. Brad! - The Parish Mission is scheduled for Sunday, October 27th-Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Church. This Mission can be used for Confirmation Spiritual Experience Hours. - RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, November 2nd
- ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, November 3rd
- 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation Parent Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th at 6:00 PM Sunday, November 3rd (including ISP families) at 8:30 AM Monday, November 4th at 5:00 PM (Holy Family School at 6:30 PM) - RE Thanksgiving Food Drive Collection - November 11th-20th (EXTENDED!) - MAKE UP 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 24th at 8:30 AM - ISP - 8:30 AM Sunday, November 24th - RE Family Mass - 4:00 PM Saturday, December 7th