Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly environment. You'll connect with new people over a meal, watch a video on a question of faith, share your thoughts and hear from others.
Who Attends?
All adults are Welcome at Alpha. All Faiths, or no faith, those searching and thosw who have been to Church their whole life.
How It Works
Typically, Alpha Includes
Food Video Discussion
No judgement No Pressure No Cost
Where Will Alpha Meet? Alpha will meet at Holy Family Church in the Parish Center, Mary and Joseph rooms. Enter at Door #5
What Will We Talk About At Alpha?
Week 1: Is There More To Life Than This?
Week 2: Who Is Jesus?
Week 3: Why Did Jesus Die? Week 4: How Can We Have Faith? Week 5: Why and How Do I Pray? Week 6: Why and How Do I Read The Bible? Alpha Day Away WHo Is the Holy Spirit? What Does The Holy Spirit Do? How Can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How Can I make the most of the Rest of My Life? Week 7: How Does God Guide Us? Week 8: How Can I Resist Evil? Week 9: Why and How Should I Tell Ohers? Week 10: Does God Heal Today? Week 11: What About The Church?