All are welcome to enjoy lunch and socialize with other women and friends of the parish!
We meet every other month at a different local restaurant.
Next Gathering:
September 8th, 2021 at the Happy Place Cafe in Shorewood at Noon. RSVP's are appreciated.
Please contact the parish office at 815-725-6880 for women's club contact info.
Save the Date for a morning of reflection on Saturday, November 13. More info coming soon!
St. Therese loved flowers and saw herself as the "little flower of Jesus," who gave glory to God by just being her beautiful little self among all the other flowers in God's garden. Because of this beautiful analogy, the title "little flower" remained with St. Therese.
St. Therese said, “How shall I show my love is proved by deeds? No other means have I of proving my love than to strew flowers; that is, to let no little sacrifice escape me, not a look, not a word, to avail of the very least actions and do them for Love. I wish to suffer for Love's sake and for Love's sake even to rejoice; thus shall I strew flowers.